Sunday, March 18, 2012

The orange bird of prosperity

Dupa ce am terminat fetele de perna Cucuteni, am ramas cu o buna bucata de in si n-aveam nici cea mai vaga idee ce sa fac cu el. Mi-au trecut prin minte mici proiecte, dar nici unul n-a zabovit prea mult. Asa ca am lasat-o deoparte, sa dospeasca precum aluatul, asteptand nasterea dulcei paini.

Si lunea trecuta, fiind in trecere prin magazinul meu preferat de tesaturi, am vazut o bucata de poplin portocaliu (am o apetenta pentru portocaliu, galben si roz deschis in ultima vreme... cred ca mi-a lipsit prea tare primavara!) ce mi s-a parut potrivit pentru inul ramas. Tare bine ar fi mers ca margini de prosop!

Hmm... dar asta ar fi fost primea mea incercare de acest fel, asa ca mi-era cam teama si-am stat ceva in cumpana daca sa-l cumpar sau nu. Intr-un final, mi-am luat inima in dinti si l-am luat: doar n-o fi chiar atat de complicat??!! Ei bine, colturile mi-au dat mare bataie de cap - s-au incapatanat sa nu iasa tocmai in unghi drept frumos (ceea ce se poate vedea cu usurinta...) - asa ca mai am mult de exersat la capitolul asta. Dar per ansamblu, sunt bucuroasa de ceea ce mi-a iesit.
In final, am obtinut trei prosoape si o fata de masa luuuunga. Ma rog, au fost patru prosoape, dar v-am spus povestea cu colturile...

Faine-faine, totusi ceva lipsea: erau prea simple, aveau nevoie de o broderie. Asa ca m-am gandit  "pasari", dar modelul ce-l aveam era mult prea complicat si cumva nepotrivit cu cele doua tipuri de panza.
Si cum se spune ca noaptea e un sfetnic bun, dimineata m-am trezit cu pasarea in gand! Am desenat-o rapid si pentru ca mi-a placut la nebunie, am numit-o pasarea postocalie a prosperitatii. 

 pasrea portocalie a prosperitatiii / the orange bird of prosperity

After finishing my Cucuteni pillow cases, I had some linen left and I did't know what to do with it. Some ideas came into my mind, but none stayed for long. So I left it there, to raise like a dough, waiting for the good bread to come out.
And last Monday, visiting my favorite local fabrics shop, I saw a piece of orange poplin (I kind of like orange, and yellow, and pink lately... I suppose I miss spring a lot!) which I thought would match my linen and make a beautiful edge for a napkin, as a bound seam.

This would have been my first project of this kind, hence I was nervous about the results.... Nevertheless, I took my courage and decided to buy it, see how I can manage with such a difficult task. The corners gave me a lot of trouble - it didn't come out exactly right-angled (which you can easily see...) - so I have to practice a lot, but all in all I'm happy with the results.
In the end, I had three napkins and a looong table runner. Well, there were four napkins in the beginning, but I told you about the corner thing...

I liked them, still something was missing: they needed an embroidery of some kind. I thought of birds, but the pattern I had in my mind was pretty complicated and didn't go along with my fabrics. So, now what?...

They say night is the mother of counsel, and they're right! The next morning, my bird beautifully came out of the tip of my pen. And since I love it so much, I called it the orange bird of prosperity. 

si colturile buclucase / and the troubling corners....

- prosoape de in cu margini aplicate din poplin
- dimensiuni: 39 x 39 cm
- fata de masa de in cu margini aplicate din poplin
- dimensiuni: 30 x 200 cm
- broderie manuala in alb si portocaliu cu fir de bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
- puncte folosite: stem stitch si French knot

- linen napkins with poplin bound seam edges
- measures: 39 x 39 cm
- linen table runner with poplin bound edges
- measures: 30 x 200 cm
- hand embroidered with white and orange pattern using cotton thread Perle Cotton no 5
- used stitches: stem stitch and French knot

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