Monday, March 5, 2012

Turcoaz / Turquoise

am pornit de la culoare- turcoaz. purtatoare a energiilor pozitive, piatra cu acelasi nume este frecvent folosita ca talisman protector, in cultura indienilor nord-americani. culoarea s-a imbinat de minune cu franjurii. la fel de frecvent intalniti, in aceeasi cultura.
it started with the colour - turquoise. carrier of positive energies, the stone with the same name is frequently used as a protective amulet in North American Indian culture. the colour matched beautifully with the fringe, just as frequently used, in the same culture.

in timp ce lucram franjurii, broderia se incapatana sa ramana in umbra. modele, semne si simboluri se derulau pe rand in fata ochilor, dar nimic nu parea potrivit.
while I was making the fringe, the embroidery remained unseen, hidden in the shadow. patterns, signs and symbols: one by one came to unreel before my eyes but none of them seemed appropriate.

vita-de-vie s-a creionat pe panza de la sine, galbenul strugurilor venind sa completeze si sa incalzeasca albastrul si turcoazul. in final, cocosul de Hurez a aparut ca un firesc, prezenta solara si totodata protectoare, precum culoarea de la care a pornit totul…
the vine painted itself on the fabric, the yellow of the grapes completing and warming up the light blue and the turquoise. in the end, the Hurez rooster took his place in the opposite corner spontaneously, solar and protective presence just as the color from which everything started…

  • prosop alb de bumbac 100%
  • franjuri aplicati din bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
  • broderie manuala cu fir de bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
  • puncte folosite: french knot, chain stitch si stem stitch
  • pret: 54.5 lei - oferit cadou.
  • 100% cotton white napkin
  • Perle Cotton no 5 fringe applique
  • hand embroidered using Perle Cotton no 5
  • used stitches: french knot, chain stitch and stem stitch
  • price: 13 Euro - offered as present.


Liana10 said...

Doamne, ce minuni faci! Rabdarea ta chiar e de aur!!!

roxana said...

Liana, iti multumesc frumos!
Ce-i drept, este nevoie de multa rabdare pentru ele. :)