Asa il reprimeste universul.
Dar insusi timpul, cand prin el pasim,
Ne schimba tainic inima si mersul.
Nu batranetea,-n urma alergand,
Spre moarte pasul cearca sa ni-l poarte,
Ci doar maturitatea creste-n noi
Si ne maturizam pana la moarte.
Geografia timpului - Nicolae Labis
Passing through time, we mark it underneath our steps
This is the way the Universe accepts it back.
But Time itself, when stepping through it,
Misteriously changes our heart and pace.
Not old age, chasing from behind,
Our steps to death is struggling to carry,
But only ripeness grows within ourselves
And we keep ripening until our death.
The Geography of Time - Nicolae Labis
the soul-bird
the tree of life
Prosopul de mai sus reprezinta viziunea mea personala asupra arborelui vietii, simbol al evolutiei cosmice - moarte si regenerare - si, in acelasi timp, al propriei noastre evolutii spirituale.
Precum un arbore, si noi germinam dintr-o mica samanta - reprezentata aici de ghinda - ce poarta inlauntrul sau esenta noastra, totalitatea. Apoi, de-a lungul anilor, ne continuam cresterea hraniti si incalziti de lumina soarelui, iar cand soseste clipa, luna rasare si noi trebuie sa parasim aceasta lume.
Stramosii nostri daci aveau credinta ca dupa moarte, sufletul raposatului se ridica la ceruri sub forma unei pasari. Marturie in acest sens stau extraordinarii stalpi funerari din lemn sculptat (simbol al existentei noastre pamantene), in varful carora este asezata o mica pasare albastra: sufletul celui plecat.
The napkin above depicts my vision of the tree of life, which represents the circle of cosmic evolution - death and regeneration - and, at the same time, a symbol of our spiritual becoming.
Just like a tree, we germinate from a small seed - the acorn - that carries within the essence of our trueself, of our wholeness. Along the years we continuously grow, nurtured and warmed up by the sun, and when the time comes, the moon rises and we have to leave this life.
Our ancestors, the Dacians, believed that when we die, our soul rises to the skys as a bird. In some rural parts of Romania, in isolated villages, we can still find in graveyards, not crosses but beautifully carved wooden pillars (symbol of our earthly existence) and on top of them a small, blue bird: the dead man's soul.
The napkin above depicts my vision of the tree of life, which represents the circle of cosmic evolution - death and regeneration - and, at the same time, a symbol of our spiritual becoming.
Just like a tree, we germinate from a small seed - the acorn - that carries within the essence of our trueself, of our wholeness. Along the years we continuously grow, nurtured and warmed up by the sun, and when the time comes, the moon rises and we have to leave this life.
Our ancestors, the Dacians, believed that when we die, our soul rises to the skys as a bird. In some rural parts of Romania, in isolated villages, we can still find in graveyards, not crosses but beautifully carved wooden pillars (symbol of our earthly existence) and on top of them a small, blue bird: the dead man's soul.
- prosop alb din bumbac 100%
- margini crosetate in scoica, cu fir de bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
- broderie manuala "arborele vietii"
- puncte folosite: stem stitch si detached chain stitch
- pret: 44 lei
- 100% white cotton napkin
- shell crocheted edges using cotton thread Perle Cotton no 5
- hand embroidered with "tree of life" pattern
- used stitches: stem stitch and detached chain stitch
- price: 10 Euro
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