mi-ar fi placut sa-ti fiu o floare.
o viata sa ma tii la umbra ta,
sa ma desprind, vremelnic,
sa mai zbor pentru o clipa…
sa ma asez apoi, cuminte
pe pamantul
prin care curge seva ta.
la anul, iar sa ne-mpletim destinul.
pentru o noua, scurta-mbratisare,
cu gust de vant si calde ploi…
sa ma desprind apoi, din nou, vremelnic
iar in cadere,
sa inteleg ca Universul
ma cheama inapoi.
I wish I was one of your flowers.
to rest a lifetime underneath your shade,
to ephemeral fall,
and briefly fly a moment more...
then lay, in quiet,
on the very earth
through which your sap peacefully falls.
and next year, let us bind our destinies again.
into another short, yet wonderful embrace,
that tastes of wind and warm, soft rains...
and then, again, to ephemeral fall
and while decaying,
to understand that Universal
original call.
mai multe despre acest extraordinar spectacol al Naturii puteti citi aici si aici, pasind in liniste, printre randuri si fotografii de o poezie extraordinara, in universul unor oameni ce au inteles miracolul clipei si efemeritatea vietii...
more about this extraordinary celebration of the Nature you can read here and here, walking silently among words and photographs of unbelievable poetry, into an universe where people had understood the moment's miracle and life's impermanence...
more about this extraordinary celebration of the Nature you can read here and here, walking silently among words and photographs of unbelievable poetry, into an universe where people had understood the moment's miracle and life's impermanence...
Ikebana Japanese
- fata de masa 30 x 180 cm din bumbac 100%
- margini crosetate din fir de bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
- broderie manuala cu flori crosetate aplicate
- puncte folosite: running stitch
- pret: 115 lei - oferit cadou.
- 100% white cotton table runner 30 x 180 cm
- picots crocheted edges using cotton thread Perle Cotton no 5
- hand made embroidery with applique crocheted flowers
- used stitches: running stitch variations
- price: 27.5 Euro - offered as present.
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