Sunday, March 11, 2012


uneori curgem, alteori baltim…
uneori alergam, alteori schiopatam…
uneori vedem, alteori dormim…
uneori zburam, alteori ne taram.

at times we flow, but other times we live as ponds
at times we run, but other times we limp a little...
at times we run, but other times we live asleep
at times we fly, but other times we have to crawl...

dinspre vechi catre nou,
dinspre natura catre obiect,
dinspre culori catre umbre,
dinspre inauntru catre inafara.
si din nou, in sens invers…

out of old towards new,
out of nature towards object,
out of colors towards shaddows,
out of the inside towards the outside.
and again, in back motion...

curgand sau baltind,
alergand sau schiopatand,
vazand sau dormind,
visand sau tarandu-ne
cautam perpetuu...

flowing or living as ponds,
running or limping,
seeing or sleeping,
dreaming or crawling,
we're perpetually searching...

rostul de "a fi".
the meaning of "to be".

- fata de masa alba 30 x 180 cm din bumbac 100%
- margini crosetate cu fir de bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
- broderie manuala "reintoarcerea cocorilor"
- puncte folosite: stem stitch
- pret: 105 lei

- 100% white cotton table runner 30 x 180 cm
- picots crocheted edges using cotton thread Perle Cotton no 5
- hand embroidered with "the cranes return" pattern
- used stitches: stem stitch
- price: 25 Euro

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