Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The orange bird of prosperity... reloaded

Even though I love cooking, I never had an apron till now. When it was imperative to use one, I improvised and put a tea towel instead. But to be honest, most of the time I'm not using anything... and of course, I end up having flour all over myself and my kitchen!
As I said, till now. Because my "orange bird of prosperity" gave me a playful idea: why not making an apron with this pattern? And I did! Yesterday. It was a crazy day: I spent most of my time measuring, and cutting, and sewing and cutting again... and finally, I got a pretty neat and cheerful apron. Here it is!

In ciuda faptului ca imi place mult sa gatesc si deci, mi-ar fi fost necesar, nu am avut niciodata pana acum un sort. Atunci cand am avut neaparat nevoie, am improvizat, folosind un prosop de bucatarie mai mare. In majoritatea cazurilor insa, nu folosesc... si bineanteles ca de fiecare data, sfarsesc prin a ma umple de faina, la fel si bucataria!
Cum spuneam, pana acum. Pentru ca "pasarea portocalie a prosperitatii" mi-a dat o idee buclucasa: ce-ar fi sa-mi fac un sort cu modelul asta? Si mi-am facut! Ieri. A fost o zi nebuna, petrecandu-mi aproape tot timpul masurand si taind, cosand si descosand, apoi iar taind... dar in final, mi-a iesit un sort tare vesel si simpatic. Iata-l!

 linen patch applique with hand embroidered bird / petec de in aplicat, brodat manual

 decorative hand-made buttonhole / butoniera decorativa hand-made

  • poplin hand-made apron
  • linen patch applique with "orange bird of prosperity" pattern hand embroidery
  • decorative linen belt applique on the edges 
  • two decorative rounded hand blind stitched patches, on the sides
  • button closure

  • sort de poplin hand-made
  • petec de in aplicat, cu broderie manuala "pasarea portocalie a prosperitatii"
  • benzi de in decorative aplicate pe marginile superioara si inferioara
  • doua petece rotunjite surfilate manual, aplicate pe marginile laterale
  • inchidere cu nasturi 


stardust said...

What a lovely apron! It surely will make my homemaking and cooking time more enjoyable.

You wrote that all of sudden, your hands started working. That often could happen. My English communication skill is like that. I haven’t studied abroad, nor attended expensive English conversation school, though I majored in English literature only focusing on reading, writing, and interpretations. Privately I have enjoyed myself with things related to English, like being a goodwill guide, films, novels, music, and cheap chat class of English, and one day my oral English started working so smooth. I know it when I “speak from the heart”, my English sounds nice. You must sew and embroidery from the heart, too.

I’m embarrassed to say that I haven’t done sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, and the likes for a long time. I’m rather a clumsy person, but I used to like them to do when my kids were young, my serious hobbies were not things related to English language, blogging with photography, and my parents were not too old. Seeing your works of art, I feel as if another myself enjoying the needle works. Thanks for sharing all the lovely works of yours. Keep up the good works.


roxana said...

Good morning, Yoko!

First of all, I want to apologize for my belated answer. My last two days have been pretty busy...
Secondly, thank you so much for your warm words, you are always so supportive and encouraging when it comes to my works! "Seeing your works of art, I feel as if another myself enjoying the needle works" is the best compliment and reward I can receive for what I do.
I am glad you liked the apron, it's quite cheerful even only to watch it hung in the kitchen. :)

I know I said it before, but I admire you very much for the beautiful pictures you share, for the abundance of information you offer about flowers, and birds, and nature in general, for the incredible English skills that you have. And I know not everybody can speak like that a foreign language.
I can feel you like English and you "speak form the heart" in all your posts, from the easiness of expressing your thoughts and feelings, from the poetry your lines often carry.

I for one, am grateful for English because it gave me the opportunity of meeting wonderful people like you, which would have remained inaccessible for me in default of such a helpful binding.

A warm hug and have happy days ahead!

Lia said...

Roxana ,

Iti trec blogul cu minuni in Blogrollul meu ,de grija sa nu-mi scape vreo minunatie de-a ta .
Ma uit la creatiile tale ca intr-o expozitie de pictura.
Stau minute in sir si ma minunez.
Pe cuvant ca nu am mai vazut de pe vremea bunicei mele asa cusatura.
Dupa ce ies dintre "gutuile" tale ,ma simt mai usoara si mai buna .

roxana said...


Din ferestra mea cu gutui, iti multumesc frumos pentru aprecierile generoase si-ti trimit cele mai bune si mai calde ganduri ale mele.
O las deschisa, esti oricand bine-venita!

O seara frumoasa si toate cele bune!

Jana said...

what a beauty!

roxana said...

thank you, Jana, it's very funny to wear it in the kitchen also!

Anonymous said...

Draga mea ,
Mi-a venit o idee !!!
Ai putea sa-mi faci si mie un sortulet cu doua pisicute si o fetita ? Chiar mi-as dori unul care sa reprezinte blogul , insa brodat e mult mai frumos decat imprimat prin alte metode !!! ;)
Tinem legatura pe mail ? Ce zici ? :)

roxana said...

Adina, cum sa nu?! M-as bucura tare!
Tinem legatura prin mail.

Anonymous said...

Asa cum ti-am raspuns si la mine pe blog. Nu e nici o graba , cand te eliberezi tu sau poate dupa sarbatorile pascale caci luna aceasta e crunta si ptr mine , dar vreau neaparat sa-mi faci .Asa ca tinem legatura !! ;)

roxana said...

Iuhu! Deja am inceput sa ma gandesc la modele. :P Asa facem atunci, vorbim de saptamana care vine.
Te pup cu drag, seara faina!