Monday, March 5, 2012

Cheia Sol / G clef

Nu toti avem darul de a crea muzica.
Dar cei care il au, ne ofera prin creatiile lor bucurie, liniste, zbucium… adica tot ceea ce reprezinta premisele unui dar pe care il avem cu totii. Darul de a ne descoperi ritmul propriu, muzica interioara care ne da echilibru si ne acordeaza la armonia Universala. Pe scurt, darul creatiei de sine.
Pe hartie, orice creatie muzicala incepe cu un semn: cheia sol.
In viata, orice creatie de sine incepe cu un semn: decizia cautarii…

Not all of us have the gift of creating music.
But those who have, through their creations, offer us all happiness, peace, turmoil… all the premises of a gift that we all possess. That of discovering our inner rhythm, our inner music that gives us balance and puts us in tune with the Universal harmony. In short the gift of self-creation.
On paper, any musical creation begins with a sign: G clef.
In life, any self-creation begins with a sign: the decision of searching…


  • prosop maro de bumbac 100%
  • chenar pe margini "hemstitch" si colturi in ochi de porumbel (Dove's eye corner)
  • broderie manuala cu fir de bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
  • puncte folosite: running stitch
  • pret: 54.5 lei


  • 100% brown cotton napkin
  • hemstitched edges with Dove's eye corners
  • hand embroidered using cotton thread, Perle Cotton no 5
  • stitches used: running stitch variation
  • price: 13 Euro

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