A fost o vreme cand mi-am dorit sa studiez folclorul romanesc si tot ce tine de traditiile noastre populare. Cand a venit insa vremea sa-mi aleg drumul mai departe, am decis altceva. Imi pare rau? Nu stiu… Dar din cand in cand, nostalgia unui “ceva” ce, poate, ar fi fost mai pe masura sufletului meu, revine precum chemarea mierlei in prag de primavara.
Imi plac tesaturile si broderiile romanesti, in spatele carora intuiesc munca si dragostea de frumos a mii de perechi de maini, miscandu-se odata cu timpul si viata insasi. Ma fascineaza traditiile, versurile si cantecele ce-au insotit Taranul Roman in trecerea sa peste aceste pamanturi mult-incercate. Admir ingeniozitatea cu care si-a creat unelte menite a-i usura activitatea de zi cu zi, la fel podoabele si obiectele ritualice. Ador ceramica traditionala in care mesteri priceputi si-au inchis talentul si secretul povestilor pictate manual, in rotirea tainica a rotii de olar.
Si mai mult insa, ma fascineaza cultura neolitica de pe teritoriul Romaniei, in fapt cea mai veche civilizatie din Europa: Cultura Cucuteni.
Cultura Cucuteni poarta numele localitatii in care, in anul 1884, s-au descoperit primele vestigii. Mai veche cu cateva sute de ani decat civilizatiile sumeriana si egipteana, Cultura Cucuteni se intindea pe o suprafata de 350.000 km², pe teritoriul actual al Romaniei, Republicii Moldova si Ucraina, caracterizandu-se printr-o ceramica de foarte buna calitate, bogat si variat pictata, cu motive in forma de spirala, meandre sau cercuri, culorile predilecte aplicate inainte de ardere fiind albul, rosul si negrul-ciocolatiu.
Ceramica de Cucuteni este unica in Europa, singurele asemanari gasite pana in prezent fiind intre ceramica Cucuteni si o ceramica neolitica din China, cea din China insa aparand cu aproape un mileniu mai tarziu.
Cu opera extraordinara a acestor Mari Anonimi in minte, am incercat sa-mi confectionez propriile cusaturi de tip Cucuteni. Am cumparat in, am cusut, am desenat si brodat si… iata rezultatul:
Some time ago, I wanted to study Romanian folklore as well as everything related to our folk traditions. But when the time to choose a way for my future came, I decided for something else. Am I sorry? I don’t know… But from time to time, the nostalgia of “something” which might have been closer to my soul comes back to me, like a blackbird’s call at the first signs of springtime.
I like Romanian old homespun and embroideries, in which I can only scent the hard work and love for beauty of thousands of pairs of hands, moving together with time and life itself. I’m fascinated by old traditions, poetry and songs that accompanied the Romanian Peasant during his passing over these hard-debated lands. I admire his resourcefulness in creating tools meant to facilitate the daily chorus, or jewellery and ceremonial objects. I adore traditional pottery in which exceptional artisans locked their talent and the secret of their hand-painted stories, in the magical swirls of the potter’s wheel.
And more than that, I’m fascinated by the Neolithic culture that once was on the territory of modern-day Romania, in fact the oldest civilisation of Europe: Cucuteni Culture.
The Cucuteni Culture bears the name of the place in which the first archaeological remnants had been found, in 1884. With a few hundred years older than the Sumerian and Egyptian civilisations, the Cucuteni Culture encompassed an area of more than 350.000 km², from the Carpathian Mountains to the Dniester and Dnieper regions in modern-day Romania, the Republic of Moldavia and Ukraine and it’s renowned for its great quality pottery, richly and variously painted with motifs like swirls, windings and circles in white, red or chocolate-black, the main colours applied before burning.
The Cucuteni Pottery is unique in Europe, the only resemblance found so far between the Cucuteni pottery and other Neolithic pottery being in China. However, the Chinese one only sprung almost a millennium later.
With the extraordinary creation of this Great Anonymous in my mind, I have tried to do my own Cucuteni-like homespun. So I bought linen, I sewed, I drew a pattern and embroidered it and... here's the result:
- fata de perna din in, cu fermoar aplicat
- broderie manuala cu fir de bumbac Perle Cotton no 5
- puncte folosite: punct de lantisor
- pret: 53 lei
- linen pillow case with zipper
- hand-made embroidery using Perle Cotton no 5
- stitches used: chain stitch
- price: 12.5 Euro
p.s. Culorile pot varia in functie de preferinte.
Colors may vary according to your preferences.
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